About Me

Hi im Glamour Queen I love makeup, BIG hair, shoes (I have over 150 pairs) fashion and trying out new beauty products! Call me old fashioned but I believe girls should be girls and boys should be boys! I am obsessed with the 1950's I love everything about that era, especially the clothes, hair and makeup!!! I think every girl should have a little Glamour in her life!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

I Hate Flat Shoes! - But I will find a way to make them glam!

Ok so I have a 6 year old daughter and every day I have to collect her from school! I finish work at 3pm and schools out at 3.30pm that gives me exactly 30 minutes to get to the school to collect my little beauty queen! I walk there so it isnt really sensible to wear my high heels but when I put on my flat shoes I just feel so frumpy and like my personality been stripped away!!!!! Sad but true!!!!!!! Im on a mission this month to find a sensible Yummy Mummy outfit thats comfortable enough to do the 25 minute walk in and makes flat shoes almost glam! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. When you find a "yummy mummy" outfit please post! I need it too! :)
